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Would You Actually be Able to Rely on Your Backup in a 911 Situation?

A few years ago we met a medical practice who had an internal IT guy that had been there for over 10 years. They put so much trust in him, but knew they were falling behind when one of our clients referred them to us. We discovered that their server, which was storing their EMR, hadn’t been backed up in two weeks. In the event of a disaster, they would’ve lost 2 weeks of medical records with no way of recovering them. They were under the impression that they were being backed up daily, but the IT guy just had so much on his plate and a lack of tools that things like this were being done manually and slipping though the cracks. Our backups run 3 times a day to 3 different clouds as well as to a box onsite. Our backups can also be spun up virtually and accessed at any time. You want to level up your backups before the disaster happens. So give us a call and see how you can be confident in your data in any situation.

We Cater To Your
Specific Needs

Everybody needs IT but trying to shove our clients into a certain box just doesn’t work for us. This is why we customize each bundle to the client based on the specific needs of them and their industry.

Experience &
Personal Touch

With 20 years of experience in the industry we’ve learned that open communication is the most efficient way to solve IT issues. This is why we are available to our clients via phone/email/chat and in person when necessary.

Remote Support

We know that IT problems love to occur at the most inconvenient of times. You can sleep in peace knowing that Infinite IT is always monitoring, and we are always here to support you.

Cybersecurity Is
Always On Our Mind

In todays times cybersecurity must constantly be evolving to keep up. We surround ourselves in peer groups that focus on security and tools we can use to keep our clients safe.

For Your Own Solution Plan

Call 1-210-504-1500

Whether it’s a forgotten password or a down server leave it up to Infinite IT to minimize downtime and get you up and running as soon as possible. With a personal touch and a proactive approach, we get the job done.

Customizable Features

  • Data Backup & Recovery
  • VOIP Management
  • Managed Surveillance
  • Network Security
  • Managed Anti Virus
  • Securely Work From Home With 2FA
  • Vendor Management
  • Patch Management and Updates
  • O365 Management and Backup
  • Email Security
  • Email and Device Encryption
  • Unlimited Remote Support
  • Unlimited Onsite Support
  • Managed Firewall

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